Increase Your Website Traffic With The Help Of Semalt's Dedicated SEO Dashboard
Thanks to Covid-19, small businesses are now looking to move their operations online, so they can continue to pay their employees and remain open. Unfortunately, several big corporations and strictly online entrepreneurs have been mining this landscape for years; hiring the right minds and perfecting their keyword selection, so they can reach their target audience. On top of that, Google is constantly updating their algorithms so no one can really predict exactly how it works. If this is your first time exploring online marketing, you are already working from behind.
The number one suggestion that is usually made is to purchase a subscription to an SEO toolbox - something like Ahrefs or Ubersuggest. But if you have no idea what you are looking at, purchasing a subscription to one of these services will do nothing for you. Almost all of these programs are designed to help professional marketers; people that have been training and perfecting this for years. The kind of person that will cost you at least sixty grand a year! And sixty grand is on the LOW end!
What you need is a program that can give you the information your company craves while it teaches you how to read them at the same time. You need a program that is just as in depth as Ahrefs and Ubersuggest while remaining budget conscious; something that will charge you for the information that you want without having to pay for everything at the same time. This is where Semalt's Dedicated SEO Dashboard comes in! For ten dollars per domain name, you will have a lifetime worth of access to the information that your business needs to survive online. You are paying for quality instead of quantity.
If I am a marketer working for a small business, this sounds like an amazing deal! But as a small business, I can imagine that you are asking, "What does SEO mean?" SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization, which means to actively improve the quality and quantity of traffic going to a specific website by studying the content and typography on your pages. By improving the typography on your page, you make it easier for crawlers to scour your website for content that their users might be interested in. By improving your content, you are increasing your chances of obtaining a high SERP score.
You want these crawlers to be able to get in and out as quickly as they with as clear of an understanding of what you are trying to sell. The information they collect is sent to a central hub where it is rated against all of the content that they have in their system. And trust me when I say this - they will rate EVERYTHING! In-bound links, out-bound links, keyword density, grammar, design, age of the content...
It all matters when they work on creating your SERP score. SERP is an acronym for Search Engine Results Page. Your content will be placed on several lists with other pieces of content that match one of the keywords your article focuses on. For example - if you published an article on Dog Grooming, you can guarantee that your article will be rated against all of the other articles on Dog Grooming because that is a keyword they all have in common. Once everything has been calculated, the central hub will give everything a SERP score.
If the page lands on the first page of a search result, I consider that to be a successful page. Appearing in the first page of a search result most definitely sounds daunting; especially if this is the first time you are optimizing a page. But the right tools will easily land you in that sweet spot. This is why you need Semalt's Dedicated SEO Dashboard - it will teach you how to use the dashboard as you are surfing through all of this valuable information without costing you an arm and a leg.
So are you ready to get started? If so, you can press the "Login or Register Tool" in the upper right hand corner.
All you have to do to register is put in your email address, create a password and create an username. It's literally that quick! Right next to that button is an oval with a flag in it - this is where you select your language. To help make this program as assessable as possible, you can translate Semalt's Dedicated SEO Dashboard into eleven different languages!
Next to the language is a speech bubble with three dots in it - this is where you contact customer support. If you have any issues while using Semalt's Dedicated SEO Dashbaord, you can click that button, type in your message and send it to one of Semalt's professional marketers. They will respond as soon as possible so you can move forward with your marketing efforts.
And lastly, next to the bubble is a lightbulb - click on that and it will give you a brief overview of the entire Dashboard. It will go over the account information button, where you can put in new projects, the Dedicated SEO Dashboard, filters, project overview and help button.
Now that we are done looking at the right hand corner, we can focus on THE reason we are here - Semalt's Dedicted SEO Dashboard.
The Dashboard will grade everything on two scales - percentage on a pie chart and a three color bubble system. With the pie chart, having a high percentage is an indication that you are doing well in that section. That means a low percentage is telling you that you need to make improvements to your website. Numerically, 100-90 is indicating that you have done an amazing job, 89-50 means you could use some improvement and 50-0 means you should take care of this as soon as possible.
With the bubble system, each section is graded on a 3 color code scale - a green bubble means that you can move on to the next section, an orange bubble means you can make a few improvements and a red bubble means you need to take care of something in this section urgently.
This system seems pretty easy, right? With that out of the way, let us now explore the eight sections in the Dedicated SEO Dashboard. These can be found on the left side of the page. For clarity, I will break down each section individually.
• Website List
This is where you can easily access all of the domain names that you put into the Dedicated SEO Dashboard. Instead of switching back and forth between a single page to read different results, you can click on this and move to the domain that you want to view results for. Yes, this means you can even watch your competition because the page does not ask if you are the owner of the page. And if you are worried that the Dedicated SEO Dashboard will give away private information, there is no reason to be concerned. The Dedicated SEO Dashboard will only grade what a crawler will find on your website. So all of your passwords and unpublished information will be safe.
• Add Website Button
And this is how you will put domain names in the Website List. You can enter domain names in three different ways - one at a time, type in multiple at a time or download a pre made list from your computer. After you place the domain name in this list, you can choose to splice keywords in so you can narrow down your results.
• Dashboard
You will get a quick overview of all domains that you have put into your Dedicated SEO Dashboard. This will help you move quicker when you are trying to find a specific piece of information.
So to give you can example, I have implemented Kmart and CVS into the Dedicated SEO Dashboard. As you can see, CVS is doing significantly better than Kmart. But even with bad results, you can dig deep to determine what you need to do. All you have to do is click on the number and the Dashboard will bring up those results.
You will have three options to select here:
- Keywords in TOPS
- Best Pages
- Competitors
You can break down all of these big portions of your website into smaller chunks that will give you a more direct plan. If used right, you will be able to use this information to keep a steady stream of converting customers into your website.
• Webpage Analyzer
This section has five sections that will tell you how your website is performing:
- All Audits
- Successful Audits
- Errors
- Warnings
- Basic Info
These sections will heavily use the pie chart and bubble system that I explained above to show you where you can improve your website.
• Content
There are two categories that are imperative to this section:
- Page Uniqueness
- Website Uniqueness
While both of these sound similar, they have two contrasting jobs. Page will focus on one specific page while Website will focus on your keywords spread across your website.
• Page Speed
Using the two systems I told you about above, this section will tell you how easily a user with a specific device can interact with your page.
• Report Center
All five options are designed to print out reports, but how and what the reports will look like are all depended on what you put into it.
Semalt's Dedicated SEO Dashboard is clearly designed for the small business that is trying to keep a foot in the race. Not only is the cost of the platform cheap ($10 per domain), but the platform comes with instructions designed to help a person with no SEO experience manipulate the vast data that is available. So what are you waiting for? Create your account today so your business can strive in these trying times!